Early results for new flu drug FluCide® found to be safe in a non-GLP small animal safety/ toxicology study. These preliminary results support the company’s earlier reports of the FluCide® drug being effective in animal models of different influenza A virus strains.
In the United States, there are approximately 300,000 severe influenza cases resulting in almost 50,000 deaths/year. These results have paved a way for a market of new anti-influenza drugs. NanoViricides is developing drugs against a number of viral diseases including H1N1 swine flu, seasonal influenza, HIV, herpes, Hepatitis C, Dengue fever, and Rabies, amongst many others.
The current drugs in pipeline that are under cell culture efficacy studies include HIV/AIDS (HivCide™-I), Dengue virus (DengueCide™-I), and External Eye Viral disease (EKC-Cide™-I). The anti-HIV drug would be instrumental in redefining the current therapies and making a breakthrough for the morbid disease. The cumulative number of AIDS cases in the US is estimated to be 1.8 million, amongst which 650,000 people lose their fight to the disease. There is clear evidence for developing novel therapy to fight viral diseases.
In 2012-2013, NanoViricides were able to raise $6M from charitable foundation and family offices as well as the $25M invested by Seaside. With the total capital in hand, NanoViricide hopes to move the drug targets forward to FDA and International regulatory approval processes.
NanoViricides, Inc. a nano-biopharmaceutical company has provided a new solution to tackle viruses by developing nanomachines capable of killing a particular kind of virus. These nanoviricide represents next generation immunotherapeutics that are designed specifically to attack enveloped viruses at multiple points and dismantle them. These nanoviricides provide significant advantage over the existing antibodies and vaccine therapies by trapping the virus and disassembling the virus including the coat protein required for cell attachment.
To learn more about NanoViricides, Inc updates, be sure to attend the 7th Annual OneMedForum in San Francisco from January 13th -15th.