TargetScan Touch Proven Effective in Duke Study

A Duke University study published in Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment shows that Envisioneering Medical’s TargetScan Touch system is more effective in detecting prostate cancer than traditional biopsy methods. TargetScan is a 3-D imaging system that guides physicians in performing biopsies and delivering cancer treatment. The Duke Prostate Center analyzed 68 patients using the TargetScan system. TargetScan Touch produces a three-dimensional map of the prostate with the aid of a robotic probe. It then uses a fixed template to provide doctors with precise locations from which to take biopsy samples. One potential benefit of TargetScan is the ability to repeat biopsies. The system may also be used to deliver focal therapy for prostate cancer patients. 

There is a great clinical need for technologies that accurately diagnose and treat prostate cancer. One in six men will be affected by the disease during his lifetime, according to the American Cancer Society.

Other companies working to treat and/or detect prostate cancer include Aureon, PercSys, Endocare, Stage 1 Diagnostics, Neopharm, Clarient, NuVue, Trod Medical, DCV Technologies, and IntraTherm.

Related post: Study Backs Gen-Probe's Prostate Cancer Test, featuring OneMedPlace focal therapy documentary.

Related video: Robert Mills, President of Envisioneering Medical