March 8 – 9, 2012 Korea Investor Conference

Shilla Hotel

Seoul, Korea

The 6th annual Citi Korea Investor Conference has evolved into one of the premier corporate access events in Korea. With over 70 corporates in attendance, investors from around the world can gather in one place for an indepth, first hand look at companies from virtually every sector.

As the only country in the world to have signed free trade agreements (FTAs) with the US, EU and China, South Korea is uniquely positioned in the context of the global economy. Amid ongoing macro challenges, will Korea be able to weather the inevitable slowdown of its biggest trading partners? Can the shrinking pie be offset by rising market share? Can domestic consumption withstand rising household debt? Will the gov’t loosen the reigns on fiscal and monetary policy in an election year? These are just some of the story lines that may have an impact on the Korean economy in 2012.

For more info, click here.