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Cavendish Global Health Impact Forum

November 24, 2014 bjohnson56 0

Cavendish Global 500px-Blenheim_Palace_croppeduniquely brings together leading family offices and their foundations seeking impact investment, grant-giving, and philanthropy opportunities within health and life sciences. For more information about Cavendish Global email info@onemedmarket,com. Cavendish will be attending OneMedForum in San Francisco and will be available for meetings.

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Enable’s Innovative Wearable Injector

November 24, 2014 bjohnson56 0

Enable expects that there will be over 250 biologic wearablebolus candidates for the device within the next 10 years. The device has several unique features, one of the most important being the ability to use product immediately after transfer from a refrigerator. While the technology is pre-FDA, Enable maintains an existing relationship with the organization and expects to be the first company in the country to complete clinicals and receive FDA approval with this type of technology.

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Health & Biotech Summit in New York Notes CEOs Wanted

November 24, 2014 bjohnson56 0

According to Gotsch, CEO of Partnership for New York, “New York uniquely produces more innovative medical technology than any other region, but it lags in new company formation.”h&biotech There are dozens of emerging breakthrough technologies in which significant enterprises could be built, but no CEOs to take the lead. These projects are capable of getting the funding and resources necessary to get off the ground, but are desperate for CEOs and entrepreneurs experienced enough to take ideas from the lab into full fruition