DATATRAK Awarded Phase III Trial With Top 20 Pharma Company

computerpartDATATRAK International, a producer of technical support systems for clinical studies, has been awarded a Phase III clinical trial by the European division of a global Top 20 pharmaceutical company. DATATRAK’s eClinical Solution product will be used in clinical studies held in almost a dozen European countries. The sponsoring company, whose name has not been released, will utilize such product features as web-based patient randomization, laboratory data import, and electronic data capture (EDC) to manage the study. DATATRAK has executed a letter of intent to begin providing its services immediately.

DATATRAK of Mayfield Heights, OH, provides a suite of software products to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device industries. Their products are designed to deliver research data from study trial sites to sponsors more efficiently than traditional paper-based methods. Two of DATATRAK’s competitors are Medidata, which was selected earlier this month to support NovImmune‘s pipeline of biologics for immune-related disorders; and Phase Forward, which recently signed deals with pharmaceutical companies Covance and GlaxoSmithKline.