Editor’s Note April 24, 2012

This week, OneMedPlace  is pleased to announce a special interview series exploring current issues facing the diagnostics sector and life sciences with Dr. Shi of EdgeTech Law.

In addition, we bring you three management interviews with emerging companies. Biovest CEO and Sr. Vice President discuss global marketing of BiovaxID. Dr. Clifford Reid of Complete Genomics says the company is well positioned to move from research to clinical in genome sequencing.  Thomas Taapken, CFO of Epigenomics, discusses the company’s FIT comparative study with Epi proColon.

OneMedPlace is gearing up for our first partnership in NYBA’s Annual Biotechnology Conference to be held May 2- 3, 2012 in New York City.  Applications for presenting companies are currently being accepted. If interested, please click here, or call 212-734-1008.

Hope to see you there!


Brett Johnson