Spring represents new beginnings, and while things are just starting to heat up on the outside, the healthcare and life science industry is on fire.
This week, OneMedSentinel Editor, Matt Margolis brings us the final edition in a two part series on crowdfunding and why it may change the face of healthcare.
OneMedPlace also reports on patent infringement and dissects a recent compelling case gaining attention. Advaxis [ADXS] was nominated for a Vaccine Industry Excellence Award, and courts say a farm antibiotics ban has been ignored since 1977!
OneMedPlace is gearing up for our first partnership in NYBA’s Annual Biotechnology Conference to be held May 2- 3, 2012 in New York City. Applications for presenting companies are currently being accepted. If interested, please click here, or call 212-734-1008.
Hope to see you there!
Brett Johnson