Editor’s Note September 19, 2011

OneMedSentinel is pleased to bring you another round of stories and interviews with  some of the most promising companies and technologies, as well as innovative approaches to funding the growth economy. In this issue:

ImmunoGenetix discovers a new, safer way to treat HIV patients. CEO, Jim Laufenberg, speaks candidly with OneMedRadio about the company’s technology and why they should be on everyone’s “companies to watch” list.

Jeffries Global Healthcare Conference will take place next week in London, England. As in previous years, this conference is sure to garner worldwde attention.


Peter Winter, consultant to the biotechnology industry, brings us financings and business developments in the global diagnostics business in his new column “This Week In Diagnostics“. Peter has over 30 years experience as a scientist, science journalist, and publisher.

QLT (TSE:QLT) (NASDAQ:QLTI) is on its way to the speedy development of its QLT091001 drug, intended for the treatment of two degenerative eye diseases, Leber Congenital Amaurosis (LCA) and Retinitis Pigmentosa (RP).