Medical device manufacturers in western Michigan are coming together to support the region’s life sciences startups.
Seven local companies have created the West Michigan Medical Device Consortium, a membership organization designed to assist small firms with product innovation, business collaboration, marketing and lean manufacturing technologies. The effort is backed by the West Michigan Science & Technology Initiative (WMSTI), a four-year-old partnership that was formed to grow and diversify the community economy by supporting the commercialization of science and technology.
“The consortium has the capacity and capability to develop new products from a napkin sketch through to market launch,” said Linda Chamberlain, executive director of WMSTI, in a press release. “It can also provide direct outsourcing manufacturing opportunities for existing products.”
So far, the following west Michigan med tech firms have signed on as members: ATEK Medical, Autocam Medical, Emerald Medical Devices and Supplies, Inrad Inc., Medbio Inc., Cascade Life Solutions and Surge Medical.
“West Michigan has a strong manufacturing base in many industries including medical devices,” said EVP Tom O’Mara, of member Autocam Medical. ” The collective experience, coupled with advanced skills in lean manufacturing, continuous improvement and cost effective processing can be competitive with any region, both nationally and internationally.”