OneMedPlace Brings 17 Diverse Workshop Sessions With New Inspirations To All Involved

This year at OneMedForum San Francisco, OneMedPlace offered 17 workshop sessions on a variety of subjects. Each session was hosted by a sponsor of the OneMedForum, and covered topics such as social media, intellectual property, global business development, and attracting retail investors.

The format of these workshops was a change of pace from the packed presentations and panel rooms found elsewhere at the forum. In these sessions, attendees were able to have intimate discussions with experts, who could address their concerns face to face. OneMedTV spoke with workshop hosts Dave Supuppo of e-Zassi and Joseph Balagot of Dawson James Securities, as well as attendees John Stroh of CryoCare, Inc., Naveed Nazir of Sehatu and James Jacobson of Functional Nutriments.

It was a great opportunity for businesses of all backgrounds to come together to network, share opinions and ideas, and gain insight on investment and funding.  As companies come  together to share their experiences, they form a clearer idea of the global market place, viewing the full picture from multiple perspectives. As topics of interest were brought up in each workshops, with all members participating, helping the growth of all companies involved, small and large.