ISTO’s Cell Therapies Can Revolutionize Treatment of Joint, Bone Injuries

July 23, 2013 OneMedPlace Team 0

ISTO Technologies, both a regenerative medicine and orthopedics company developing innovative cartilage and bone regeneration products for spinal therapy, sports medicine and trauma. ISTO is currently focused on the development of cell-based cartilage platform technology that can be applied to repair and regenerate damaged cartilage in the knee and spinal disc.

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Small Bone Innovations Inc. Reports Significant Revenue Growth in 2010

February 15, 2011 Herina Ayot 1

Small Bone Innovations, Inc., an orthopedics company focused exclusively on serving patients and their physicians with technologies and treatments for joint repair (arthroplasty) and trauma reconstruction around the small bones & joints of the thumb, fingers, hand, wrist, elbow, toes, foot and ankle, recorded strong worldwide revenue growth of 24% for 2010 compared with 2009.