On May 21, 2014, the first OneMedMarket conference was held in New York City. Accredited investors turned out from all over for presentations from eleven CEOs of curated, candidate healthcare technology companies. The presentations were webcast to over a hundred online watchers and private meetings were set up between CEOs and investors.
Each CEO was given eighteen minutes to present on their company to a room full of institutional, strategic, and private investors. It was never boring, with presentations from companies with novel cures for heart disease to revolutionary tools for TBI diagnosis and even one with a new technology for turning brown eyes blue.
Catered lunch and refreshments provided a break from the presentations and the investor meetings allowing for plenty of networking and conversation. Everyone was kept busy throughout the day but time was allotted for individual social media and due diligence workshops between each CEO and a team of OneMedMarket analysts.
The social media workshop focused on a targeting of the company’s online strategy and presence toward investors. Time was spent vetting the search engine optimization of their websites and discussing how to use Twitter as a means to stay up to date with other companies and any new research being done in their field. CEOs left with a more focused idea regarding their online identity and received individualized advice regarding their web approach.
After two presentations from each company and a full day of meetings, it was time for some socializing. Everyone was invited to cocktail hour down the street at The Vermilion to unwind from the long day. “The Vermilion was terrific. To be able to meet and greet and talk together, that was great. It was nice to have that moment just to connect in a more informal way with the investors,” said Tom Harold, CEO of ScyFIX. The two hour open bar was followed by a CEO dinner, which provided a fitting end to the first OneMedMarket conference.