Upon changing tides in financial markets, regulatory, federal funding, investor weariness and healthcare reform, the life sciences industry is experiencing significant change. The aim, of course, is to inject new life — and capital — into a sector at best defined as ‘holding steady’ during the recession, and at worst ‘moribund’.
Aftab Jamil, Partner with BDO, Partner and National Leader for the Technology and Life Sciences Practice at BDO, is an expert in helping EGCs navigate financing rounds. Aftab spoke with OneMedTV during the 6th Annual OneMedForum in January to discuss the state of life sciences investment, and how companies can formulate new strategies to attract a sustainable class of investors. At the core of these new strategies are the initiatives being implemented to increase access to non-venture capital in the earlier rounds, which may incubate a company long enough to grow a pipeline, attract tenable/diverse revenue opportunity, and eventually reach market.
For more materials discussing early stage financing and changing tides, visit the OneMedPlace Educational Module.
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